This past Monday, 02/09/09, I was locked out of my work laptop. I came to realize (the hard way) that my whole hard drive or file system was totally encrypted. So, you could see the data, or even an outline perhaps, but were unable to correctly make any sort of identification due to the data being encrypted. It kind of reminds me of a shadow. I can see it, but it has no substance. I can guess what it is, but really do not know what it is unless I can experience what makes the actual shadow.

The Encrypting File System (EFS) is a file system driver that provides file system-level encryption in Microsoft Windows (2000 and later) operating systems, except Windows XP Home Edition, Windows Vista Basic, and Windows Vista Home Premium. The technology enables files to be transparently encrypted on NTFS file systems to protect confidential data from attackers with physical access to the computer.1

Col. 2:17 says, “Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body [is] of Christ.”

I believe when the Old Testament prophets would prophesy about the Messiah and the good news to come they could see a shadow and were excited, but were unable to pinpoint exactly what they were pointing to? 1 Peter 1:10, “Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace [that should come] unto you:”

Col. 1:26, “[Even] the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:”

Paul speaks of the ‘mystery’ in his writings at least 17 times. The meaning of the Greek word for mystery means ‘that which is known to the initiated.’

One definition of ‘initiated’ is ” introduced to the knowledge of a subject.” The definition of the Greek word for repentance is literally after thought.

In Acts 9:4, Jesus reveals Himself to Paul. In Acts 9:6, Paul says, “And he said, Who art thou, Lord?” This is the affect of the after thought of the Son of the Living God unveiling Himself to Paul. At this moment, in salvation, we are immersed, drowned and “initiated” in Christ. We are introduced to a knowledge that has been kept hidden from ages and generations. It has been kept hidden for a long, long time. Possibly before time existed.

The key is in the revelation of Christ. This key decrypts or rather unveils God in His only Son. My old dead, encrypted life is dead. In Christ, the mystery is decrypted in me. This mystery initiates me into Him. This initiation changes who I am into a new creature of righteousness according to faith by grace. My life is renewed over and over. More and more knowledge by revelation of Christ is decrypted in me on the basis of the Word of God.

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