Dwelling place

Today, 08/22/09, tried to play racquetball. I used to be an avid racquetball player. I was indecisive on playing, but gave it a try. Overall, I really wasn’t up to playing. After I practiced, I felt the Lord tell me, “I dwell in willingness.” I didn’t understand, but knew this was revelation. Later, I prayed and thought about it some more. I discovered He is the one who enables the willingness. This willingness makes us righteous. We receive revelatory knowledge or impartation of His will, this willingness, by hearing and hearing the word. The affect of just hearing the word, the true and living word, changes us from image to image, pattern to pattern, and glory to glory. Our motive is changed supernaturally by grace, faith and revelation.

Galatians 5:18 says, “But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.”

I am led by the Spirit by grace through faith, revelation along with His will and energy in me. He is leading me inside not like an automaton, but a with all freedom to do and be. The caveat is I do and be because of who I am in Him. I am found in Him. My identity is not based on my accomplishments, how I feel, my degree, or even what I think, but it is based in Him. He is the Last Adam. He is the last pattern for all mankind.

His Spirit leads me internally by grace. Romans 1:15 says, “By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:”

“For the obedience (hearkening, listening) to (or in, unto, towards, for) the faith…”

This ‘hearkening’ called obedience is the affect of grace upon us.

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