Dream about being in a turkey shoot

Had a dream last night that I vaguely recall.

In the dream, I am with a few dozen people at a ranch of some sort. This ranch is deep in the country with surrounding rivers, mountains and lakes. I am with these people in an underground recreation area of some sort. It has bowling alleys and a bar. It reminded me of the “Union” under the University of Texas campus. People are talking and joking. These men (ranchers?) come into this recreation area with rifles and tell us something to the affect of, “Now go outside, run and hide. We are going to hunt you down.” I saw one of the men’s eyes. His stare was very cold and serious. I got the impression the hunt was not to find us and let us go.

I immediately see myself running through the woods with the ‘ranchers’ in the corner of my eye. I get ahead of them to a river and loose my tracks in the river. They seem to loose me. I eventually end up in a remote town and I befriend a little girl. She seemed abandoned and transient about 5-6 years old. She goes with me trying to get back to my home.

Here is my interpretation of the dream.

I believe these men are men in authority who led others into what they think is recreation and it ends up becoming a spiritual slaughter by legalism. To me, the guns are symbolic of the law that kills us, Rom. 7:11. Being hunted is the nature of the law upon the old nature. Judgment is inevitable, inescapable and unavoidable. All have fallen short and are under sin, Rom. 3:9, 23. The ranch is not a home. It is a false sense of security and refuge. It appears like Disneyland, but in actuality is a spiritual human turkey shoot.

Psalms 91:1 declares, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”

Eph. 3:8 speaks of the “unsearchable riches of Christ.”

The river is the secret place of the Most High in which are the unsearchable riches of Christ. Grace supersedes the Law. Love fulfills all the Law! The judgment and penalty of the law have no power over death. Being immersed, baptized or drowned in Christ, I am dead to the law and its judgment. I am crucified with Christ, Gal. 2:20.

I believe the little girl is the Church under the law in its infancy, Eph. 4:4, Heb. 5:12-14, 6:1-2.

Home is the purpose of the Church, Eph. 3:11.

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