Dream about Koke

On the night of 09/06/08, I had a dream about the preacher of the church my family goes to. His name is Robert Koke. In the dream, I went jogging in a very nice neighborhood. I end up discovering Mr. Koke’s home. For whatever reason I walk into the house uninvited. The house was relatively large. It was  2-3 stories tall with a square footage of about 4000-5000 square feet. I saw a balcony bridge in the house. It was long walk across it. I think there was a three car garage and basement? He was going out possibly jogging? He saw me. He said, “Oh out that guy who talks about stuff.” Something to that effect. Don’t exactly remember. I saw his wife walk around. She saw me. I saw a few other people. Then I left and went on my way.

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