Dream about Joyce Meyer

On August 9th, 2008, (my wife’s birthday) I had a dream about Joyce Meyer. These are things I wonder if I should write about, but then I think to myself, “This is a blog.” This is the purpose of a blog.

In the dream, I walked into a store of some type. Reminds me of a ~2000 square foot children’s learning center. I saw children and people who seemed to be her staff. When I saw Mrs. Meyer she appeared older. Her hair was gray and face was apparently aged. She seemed to be in her eighties. I saw her and continued to ‘browse’ around. I went to the restroom. Walking into the restroom, I saw a little table and chair with children’s books on the table. I thought to myself, “How odd?” I left the restroom back into the store and I approached Joyce Meyer. I recall having a desire to tell her about ‘PushingPeanuts.’ She seemed to be preoccupied with the administration responsibilities of the store and gave me some forms to fill out so I could join some sort of bible study school. I didn’t even ask for the forms, but I got them anyways. Now, I was somewhat confused. I gave the forms back and explain I did not have a need for the forms and took her to a computer within the store and begin to show her the PushingPeanuts website. I wake up.

Here is the blog part. This is my opinion of the interpretation of the dream. Totally subjective.

Metaphorically speaking, Joyce Meyer is the modern day church of the West at least. The children’s reading table arrangement in the restroom should not be there. This implies disorder. A brother in Christ, told me once the worst order is chaotic disorder. The age of Mrs. Meyer reminds me of the phrase, “without wrinkle” in Ephesians 5:27. Wrinkle reminds me of “fallen” in Galatians 5:4. In the Greek, “fallen” means “flowers that wither in the course of nature.” What could that imply? To me, it reminds me of the curse of death after Adam’s fall. Prior to the Fall, man lived forever in his fleshly body. Isaiah 24:6 also speaks of a global curse. Essentially, wrinkles mean the curse of the law. Galatians 3:11-13.

Reflecting back on this dream, I didn’t know what the forms could mean? Right now, as I am writing I got goose bumps all the way to my shoulders. This thought came to mind. The forms she attempted to give me remind me of 2 Cor. 3:6 which says, “The letter killeth.” The Law of the Old Covenant kills on purpose. This is elaborated in “Sick and Tired.” This tells me that is why I did not need or desire the forms.

Lastly, her preoccupation with administration reminds me of the theme of PushingPeanuts. The law will wear you out. It will make you so preoccupied with works that there is an almost certain guarantee of loosing spiritual equilibrium. It is like fighting in a boxing ring with an opponent whose stamina is always more than yours. Once your stamina (self-strength) gives out, the enemy comes in with a body blow of works and an uppercut of accusation and condemnation. Due to the delirium of works under that law, it is relatively easy to be confused and disoriented. Bam!, knock out. This has been my walk for years with cyclic up and downs becoming spiritually bipolar. No more! Not in Christ, Who was hung on tree and made a curse for me! Galatians 3:11-13.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57

“ O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?”

“The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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