Dream in a chaotic city

Had a dream last night, 10/19/09.

It was me, my friend, John Peter, and my two sons. It was relatively late at night and we were driving through the country. John Peter was driving. All of a sudden we hear something like a sonic boom. Everyone in the car passes out unconscious. I wake up and wake up my sons. I notice John Peter is still not conscious. I lay my hand on him and he wakes up. He says, “You may want to close your eyes and ears.” Then he grabs a sawed-off shotgun and we drive into a city. I keep my eyes open. We drive into a tunnel and I see a 10-15 foot skeleton like creature roaring at us. I think we swere out of its way and go through the city. People are running and screaming everywhere. I see spirits and creatures everywhere as well. The city is in total chaos like the end of the world or something. The creatures are trying to jump on our car. And then I wake up.

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