Do I know what I have?

John 11:43,

And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.

I was pondering about the believer having understanding by faith, Heb. 11:3, and thought of times the Lord spoke (His faith) and was reminded of when He spoke to Lazarus. Then it dawned on me, “How would be able to do have power to resurrect Lazarus from the dead? He had not resurrected Himself yet?” Then I realized He said in John 11:25 He said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:”

Okay, whoopty doo. Well, I saw this and that is He knew who He was and He knew He was the resurrection. In the “knowing” of this He gave this to Lazarus.

2 Cor. 8:12, “For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.”

Ephesians & Romans speaks of the His will coming by revelation. Jesus said He does the will of the Father; of the One who sent Him. He had revelation of the Father’s will in Him that He IS the resurrection and life meaning we partake of that same revelation through Christ in us. His will diffuses  and permeates our being in the knowledge of Him. This spiritual process creates His spiritual essence within us, renewed daily inwardly, Christ in us. The will of the Father was that Lazarus not stay dead. The revelation of His will gives purpose, motive and intent.

The gift given to Lazarus was ‘acceptable’ because it was according (diffused in the Greek) to what Christ has according to grace and revelation of God’s will and purpose in His sent Son.

We can only have what we know we have received. We can only give what we know we have to give. If I do not know who I am in Christ then I have very little to give because I do not know. I do not have if I do not know what I have. I cannot give what I do not know I have.

If I had unknowingly a billions dollars in bank in the Cayman’s how I could I use it? I wouldn’t because I didn’t know it was there. Then even if I did know it was there I would still need understanding how to partake of the funds.

I will also have authority if I have knowledge of my authority. Even authority over death.

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