

In Hebrews 4:12, the Aramaic N.T. says, “The (revelatory and unveiled) Word (Christ) is able to distinct soul and spirit.”

Prior to salvation, my spirit was dead in trespasses and sin. There was no distinction, no separation between my soul and spirit because neither were whole or sanctified. Both were dead.

Prior to salvation, I was aware of my fleshly body and soul, but not my spirit.

I BECOME AWARE OF WHO I AM. I become aware of my triune being. I was created in the image of my CREATOR: SPIRIT SOUL BODY. I become aware of what I am, my essence.

The revelation, light and truth of the Word or Logos is behind the veil, His Body, into the Holiest of Holies. And Paul said, “To reveal His Son in me” in Gal. 1:16. This revealing or revelation is inside of us beyond our intellect and understanding. This same Word, by revelation, sanctifies my conscience of dead works. My conscience is almost like a conduit between soul and spirit.

When Adam and his wife ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil their conscience was no longer unconscious of the knowledge of good and evil. Contrarily, it was conscious or aware of good and evil. Adam was unable to redeem himself or his wife from this condemnation from his conscience because he was not the Son of God. He was the first Adam. A living soul. The Last Adam, Christ, is a quickening Spirit able to enliven or impart His life by revelation. This life (His Life) is not aware or does not possess knowledge of the guilt and penalty of sin. He is righteousness and unable to be aware of such judgment. He was created in the likeness of sinful flesh, but was yet without sin. He is the judge. He is the Great Shepherd of our souls.

Hearing and hearing of the Word of faith by grace creates and sanctifies this conduit. He is the new man or Adam created in us again, Eph. 2:15. Part of the new man is his conscience. I believe the conscience is like a conduit to the highway to holiness mentioned in Isaiah. 35:8.

The dividing of the joints and marrow as Levitical priests performed on sacrifices reflects the power of the Word to expose, penetrate, and sanctify every part of our being.

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