Did He die for me or not?

1 John 1:10, “10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word (truth, life, hope, peace, love, power, faith) is not in us.”

The word ‘liar’ means,

Liar (5583) (pseustes from pseudomai = to lie) is one who speaks falsehood, untruth, and so attempts to deceive. Thayer adds that pseustes describes “one who breaks faith, a false or faithless man.

Christ is not ‘one who breaks faith, false, or a faithless man.’ He remains the faithful High Priest. 2 Tim. 2:13, “If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself.”

Self-imposed law hinders revelation. Revelation obliterates self-imposed law.

If I say I am not a sinner or transgressor PRE-salvation then I am saying Christ’s death was not real or enough. If I am not putting my faith in Him or His faith in me. My understanding then derives from the flesh, intellectualism, education, philosophy and/or anything other than the truth that is in Jesus, Eph. 4:21. This is self-justification based on self-imposed law in my heart. Only Christ’s blood can purge my conscience from dead works based on this self-imposed law.

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