
A boundary, point, or line of demarcation gives the one who trespasses knowledge of the rule and the purpose of the rule.

Gal. 3:24 (YNG), “So that the law became our child-conductor — to Christ, that by faith we may be declared righteous,”

The purpose of the law is for those who trespass it, 1 Tim. 1:9. If I am in Christ, it is not for me to live by. If I live and walk in the Spirit, I actually establish the law through grace and love, Rom. 3:31. God gave us the law. He created and establish it according to His will and nature. How would I know covetousness, lust, or envy is not good unless I was told? The knowledge of Ex. 20:7, 15, 17 makes me conscious of of these sins prior to knowing Christ, Rom. 3:20.

In Christ, the guilt and penalty of sin is not imputed or reckoned to my account ever because who I was is dead. That dead person cannot be judged. The law can only judge those under it living in the flesh. Those who are under grace and in the Spirit are no longer under its judgment  Who am I in Christ is resurrected and not under law, Rom. 5:13. On the contrary, I see many Christians ‘under law’ and condemnation when the Word says they are not. I they somewhere along the road they received an impotent, diluted, legal teaching or doctrine that implies they are not worthy, they are not doing enough, God is not satisfied, settle for less, at least you’re going to heaven, this is it there is nothing more, and they are stuck there in this cancerous doctrine.

Paul says in Gal. 5:1, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

In Eph. 6:10, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

Obeying a to-do list is like keeping the Old Covenant, but our righteousness is in Christ by His faith in us.

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