Six Degrees Again

So, the day before yesterday I meet a man who knows my wife.

Today, my wife and I go and meet at our four year old’s preschool pizza lunch. All of the parents are sitting on the grass with their picnic blankets. My wife and I are sitting on a large rock in the shade. Last year, one of my son’s teachers was Mrs. Joy. Don’t recall her last name. Guess it’s easier for a four year old to remember someone’s first name. As we were sitting on the rock I said, “Wonder where Mrs. Joy is? Usually, I bump into her or her family ever so often. Surprised she’s not here today?” I went to get some pizza for my wife and I. I came back and a rather tall man was sitting next to her. He realized I was the husband of the woman he was sitting next to and got up. His son happen to be in my son’s class. I asked the man his name and he said, “Kevin.” He mentioned his wife, Joy, also works at the pre-school. This Joy is the same Mrs. Joy I was just mentioning to my wife. I started laughing to myself and told him about the home group we recently had at the house discussing ‘six degrees of separation.’ He laughed. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other again.

So, why did this happen? I believe the Lord creates divine appointments that can be mistaken for coincidence. I may have said something or acted in a way that Kevin needed to see today. Who knows? God does.

Paul says we are:

  • the fragrance of Christ, 2 Cor. 2:14 (NIV).
  • letters of Christ read by all, 2 Cor. 3:3-4.
  • jars of clay with treasure inside, 2 Cor. 4:7 (NIV).
  • ambassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 5:20 (NIV).

Luke says we are:

  • witnesses, Acts 1:8.
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