Death has no authority over Him in me

Rom. 6:2, “Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?”

At salvation, we were immersed and drowned to death at baptism. In Him, we do not have the ability to live in something that no longer has power over us. For example, naturally speaking, if my legal record is clean then I am not capable of staying in prison according to the justness of the law or really the justness of the One giving the law.

We died with Christ at the cross. In this death, the power of sin1, the judgment and guilt of the law or even self-imposed law, does not have authority over us. We have been translated into the kingdom of God’s only Son. Who we were prior to knowing Christ is dead. The power of the law can no longer judge a dead person. The dead person or ‘old man’ is not capable of living anymore. The one who does live is Christ in us by His faith, Gal. 2:20.

Death was inoculated in Him at the cross. We partake in this inoculation. He gives us His immunity to death now as a free gift because He is LOVE! He is more than that!

Rom. 6:14, “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.” Neither sin or its power has dominion over us in Christ.

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