Dead bird

The other day I was walking to my car and I saw a dead bird on the street. Since I enjoy talking to dead birds I said to it, “The law has no power over you anymore.” I guess it was one of those days 🙂

Today, 09/26/12, this exploded in my spirit as quickened word. I am reminded of Romans 7 and Colossians 3. I realized that a dead man is no longer dominated by the influence of time. (This sounds hilarious as I proof read it.) Duh.

I saw that the law judges those who trespass it in this time who have a defiled conscience that is time based. Prior to eating the pomegranate, Adam was not aware of time and neither was his conscience. After eating it, he created time and brought death through sin, Rom. 5:12.

Paul says, that we are not under condemnation for those who live  according to the Spirit. Where is the Spirit? In eternity, outside of time. This is hard to explain a little, but I need to write this out. We partake of His death, Col. 3, Rom. 7 and Rom. 6. If this is true, then there is no condemnation. Makes sense. Paul goes into more detail on greasy grace in Romans 6 and thereafter. The law truly leads us to Christ. I am reminded of time dilation,

If the above so far is true then it seems to align with time dilation. So, according to Einstein, what is moving at the speed of light? There has to be an enlightenment or awareness of such information? I believe it is His word that is a lamp to my feet which comes from God who dwells in unapproachable light. And I am a child of light. His light is in me through His grace, faith, word and revelation.

Heresy now, even the judgment and penalty of the law is relative to the light of His finished work on the cross. Yes, burn me at the stake. Glory! For the geeks, at the speed of light, time stops. The law has to have time to judge. To a dead person, time has stopped or even non-existent. To a person created in light, time is relative to the speed a of light. In Christ, we are not who we were, 2 Cor. 5:17. Also, this is all naturally speaking of course. He is more than theories. In Him, ALL the fullness of the GODHEAD dwells bodily. What does that mean? That hurts my head.

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