Back in the day

I saw an article today about this new super collier, atom-smasher in Europe. Some experts are concerned subatomic black holes will be created, or particles called strangelets that can disassemble matter and change it into strange matter, or time travel for super villains. When I started to read about time travel I was reminded of the revelation of my purged conscience due to Christ’s sacrifice, Heb. 10:2. In turn, this reminded me of man prior to the Fall and his state of being.

Prior to eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil time did not exist.

Here is my blog speculation that I can back up with scripture. Please comment if you disagree or need to know what scriptures are referenced.

  • I believe Adam and his wife were fleshly eternal beings unable to die.
  • They did not possess the knowledge of good and evil. This is still important to know.
  • They did not have knowledge of death or time. There was no concept whatsoever. The thought was alien to them.
  • They must of had knowledge of life. He walked with God who is the Life and also was able to eat from the tree of life. He also couldn’t die.

Once they ate the fruit, they realized they were naked. The knowledge of good and evil was imparted. Ungodly fear motivated by this knowledge of good and evil manifested along with shame and what we call the sinful nature or old man was created. Man was unable to redeem himself. He spiritually died instantly and eventually physically died due to corruption. There was no sacrifice for the power of sin yet. Sin did not exist because the law was not yet given. Moses was not yet even born. Even without the law, death reigned from Adam to Moses (Rom. 5:14), after receiving this knowledge of good and evil. The sinful nature is who we were prior to knowing Christ as our Lord and Savior. In Him, the Last Adam, we are a new creation being renewed by revelation according to the original pattern and purpose before the foundations of the earth.

This fear that manifested as man went and hid in the bushes and sewed fig leaves to cover his shame also created time. One generic definition of time could be the measurement of death and corruption. Everything seems to die and or break down (or corrupt) within a certain span of time. Even stars die. Trees die. Interestingly, things also transform from one thing to another. Stars can change into black holes. Trees become a part of the ecosystem and cycle of life in nature. This goes in line with E=MC² and the law of conservation of mass. Matter cannot be created or destroyed. It can be rearranged. The equation also says matter is energy as well. Creation reflects this all the time. An apple is metabolic energy in my body. The energy in gas or wood can be extracted with increased temperatures. Nuclear fission in the sun and bombs are other examples of matter to energy.

So, essentially, time is limited and time is what it is due to the Fall of man.

I wonder from time to time, what was it like prior to the Fall? “No Amdro needed“, my first blog, touched on this slightly. I thought some more about it. Here are some other things that I think were different prior to the Fall,

  • Nothing in nature would spoil, die, or corrupt. If I had an apple tree, the apples would never spoil. I could eat them fresh anytime I desired to.
  • It could have rained softly perhaps like the amazon jungle. If it didn’t rain nothing would die anyways because all earthly vegetation would not dehydrate. It was not possible.
  • Rust did not exist. Metals would not corrode.
  • No hurricanes, tornadoes or hail storms.
  • Stars would not explode and become black holes (remember, just blog speculation.)

So, if Colossians 3:10 is true, and I am renewed according to the original pattern under a New and Everlasting Covenant, then how am I like man prior to the Fall?

  • In Christ, because of my purged conscience, quickened spirit and revelation of Him, death has no power over me. Christ, Enoch, Elijah, and Paul are examples of this. Three never died. Paul came back. Why? Death did not reign over him or us in Christ. For now, in Him, we age slower in Christ because He is our life. We walk in Life and the Spirit growing daily in the knowledge of Him. Adam did die, but was 930 years old, Gen. 5:5. He definitely aged slowly. Compared to eternity, this is a vapor.
  • In the Spirit, time is irrelevant. Time is redeemed, Col. 4:5. In eternity, time has no power. We are citizens of eternity if heaven is in heaven. The fruit of the Spirit bears itself by grace and not fear. God is not in a hurry to do anything. He has plenty of patience. He has all patience, endurance, and longsuffering. He is omnipotent and in His presence there is fullness. So, in the Spirit, I am unaware of the power or fear of time which means I am unconscious towards time. My old nature was absolutely conscious of time. It was under its power. Time is not on my side. In the Spirit, it does not exist. In the natural, it does, but is loosing its power as the Church grows more unto the full stature of Christ.
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