
John 1:1-3 says, ” 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”

In the Hebrew, the word “davar” means:

For forty years God had Israel wander in the ‘wilderness’. Insights into why God had chosen the wilderness for their wanderings can be found in the roots of this word. The root word is ‘davar’ and is most frequently translated as a thing or a word. The original picture painted by this word to the Hebrews is the arrangement of things to create order. Speech is an ordered arrangement of words.In the ancient Hebrew mind words are ‘things’ and are just as ‘real’ as food or other ‘thing’. When a word is spoken to another it is ‘placed in the ears’ no different than when food is given to another it is ‘placed in the mouth’. The Hebrew name Devorah (Deborah) means ‘bee’ and is the feminine form of the word davar. Bees are a community of insects which live in a perfectly ordered arrangement. The word ‘midvar’ meaning wilderness is actually a place that exists as a perfectly arranged order as its ecosystem is in harmony and balance. By placing Israel in this environment he is teaching them balance, order and harmony.1

“The original picture painted by this word to the Hebrews is the arrangement of things to create order.”

If something is in working order then it is functioning as designed according to the will of the designer. In Genesis 1, God davars or words His words into things by His word according to His will. Creation longs for His order by the revealing of the sons of God, Rom. 8:19.

By revelation, according to hearing the word, we can speak davar now into this creation. This is what the apostles and early church did in the Book of Acts. This should still be the same today. Jesus has not changed.

Since John was Jewish I wonder if John 1:1-3 could read also like this? “In the beginning was the Davar, and the Davar was with God, and the Davar was God…” In the Hebraic perspective, a word is a thing and a word. If a word is spoken it becomes what it was spoken by the will of the speaker.

If I am under a curse and Jesus is the only curse-remover then without revelation of Him I will reinforce this curse by my words. Even if I try to avoid the curse or not I still fall short. Why? He is the only one who can purge my conscience from dead works. Regardless if I try to avoid the curse or not I am under law apart from Christ. I am only created dead works. In Christ, I have been predestined unto good works. The Galatians mixed law a grace and got into trouble with themselves. I believe they adhered to another gospel like Paul states in chapter one of the letter. Someone came in and put law on them and they became entangled, Gal. 5:1.

Christ is the Testator, Mediator, Sacrifice, High Priest, Elder Brother, The Way, The Truth and Life. Why would God make it complicated? Is that why the Old Covenant is called old? Hebrews 8:13

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