Daughter of mercy

Today, my wife, older son and I went to go see his younger brother sing some Christmas carol’s at his preschool. He did well. After the show, we went to his classroom for refreshments. While we there, I saw some of his classmates. The parents were there also. One man looked like me a little. His daughter was in my son’s class. My son is five so I assume she was around five years old also.

Well, for some reason I caught her attention. My guess is I looked like her father. Something beautiful happened though. I am reminded of what Jesus said in Matt. 18:3, “And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” The Lord did not say to actually become little children, but like them.

When this little girl looked at me I perceived the Lord tell me, “This is mercy.” The Hebrew word for mercy means “to delicately teach or bring up.”

She did not try to show me mercy. She was not fearful. She saw my heart though. Kids seem to have that ability. I have heard another definition of mercy being “God not giving us what we deserve” which is judgment for sin. God has shown us mercy by sending His only Son, Eph. 2:4-5.

To me, “being like little children”, is possessing their innocence and purity of heart. This happens only by revelation of Christ. We cannot try to be, but can only be by revelation of truth, Him. This reminds me of Matt. 10:16.

Acts 1:8, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me…”

We receive power because we believe, Rom. 1:16. We believe because we hear and hear the unveiled word of God. As we grow in our faith, we grow in His power in us. This power in us is a witness. This witness is like the little girl looking at me. She did not try to show me mercy. When Christ reveals Himself He does not “try” to unveil Himself.

As we grow in our identity in Him, we are unveiled to the world. This unveiling, by God’s will and grace, has a supernatural effect on the recipients, Rom. 2:4.

By His power, we are witnesses. In this witness, reconciliation to the Father by Christ is manifest.

Christ, in His fullness, shows His mercy to us. Since we do not have a Spirit of fear, but power and love, we show mercy because of His fullness in us to others.

I am amazed how a little five year old could have such an affect on me.

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