
Talked to Darrell today during break. I asked him about the speed of light time dilation thing and it finally made sense. He said the closer you get to the speed of light the more you are moving away from the measurement of time while everything else not going at the speed of light continues to stay in time. That makes so much more sense. The catch is mass increases on an infinite level. So, that is the argument among physicists if it is even possible?

If I went at the speed of light to Dallas from Austin it would take 0.001 light seconds. Pretty much instantaneous. 1/1000th of a second or one millisecond. It takes 5 milliseconds for a bee to flaps its wing1 . In a car, driving at 65 m.p.h. it would take 2 hours and 45 minutes. So, I would age 1 millisecond and the driver would age 2.75 hours + preparation + etc. I would venture into a place where time slows down or stops outside of time.

I have read testimonies of NDE’s that say they where not aware of time when they left their bodies. Makes sense. I think this time dilation horse is dead now 🙂

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