Darkness cannot comprehend Light and Truth

John 1:5, “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended (καταλαμβάνω katalambanō) it not.”

Darkness cannot take hold of Light because of its inherent nature.

If the Light of of foundational truth and sound doctrine is in me then darkness cannot comprehend it ever. I cannot even get in the way of Truth in me. My thoughts apart from Christ are vain and empty. If truth and light are real and understood then it cannot go away because it is undeniably true and real. This is starting to sound redundant, but as Jesus said if the winds blow vehemently against the house on the Rock then the house will stand. Why? Because the foundation of the house is hupostasis. It is something that cannot be seen, but is more real than what we even think is reality as we know it. Therefore, darkness has no place. Hallelujah! Thank you Lord. Wow. Praise God. Preaching to myself now.

Light also must know it is genuinely real light. Huh? I must know Light in me and its reality. Otherwise, if I guess, assume, presume or use intellect it is not light. If it is Light in me and I know it is Light in me and what is the Light then darkness is not able to take hold of it EVER. Amen Lord!

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