Copeland dream

10:30 AM 4/11/2009
I had a dream last night that me and my wife were in what seemed like Austin. We came up to a restaraunt on a corner street. It had a about 8-10 motorcycles parked in front of the restaraunt. We went up to the counter to make our order and the persons that seemed to own or be working there. I see Kenneth & Gloria Copeland. I believe they were volunteers. We made our order and they said hello. Then Mr. Copeland begins to speak to me. He says, “You are called to be a teacher.” I thought to myself that sounds right. He mentioned being available if I ever need encouragement, support, or discipline. I felt encouraged when he said that. His wife agreed with him and she may have some things too, but I can’t remember exactly. Then we walked outside that was it.

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