
This blog reminds me of another, Self-willed opinion and not revelation.

“Results showed that not having control caused participants to mistakenly see an image in a field of static, to smell conspiracy in other people’s benign behavior, to embrace superstitious beliefs and to perceive nonexistent stock-market trends.1

It seems in our fallen nature which is rooted in fear and apart from the knowledge of Christ we intrinsically exercise our faith into things other than Him. The above quote from Scientific American sounds like if one does not possess control in their life then there is a tendency towards thought patterns that aren’t necessarily real. This sounds like fantasy and vain imaginations. They could appear like superstition, religion, family tradition, mind games and so on.

Col. 3:5 says, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:”

I believe these “manifestations of the flesh” are rooted in lack of knowledge of the truth, love and Christ. I believe Paul is exhorting them to ‘put to death’ these areas for their sakes and because we have grace in Christ to be a new creature. As this new creature, these desires are not there because there is knowledge of the truth, love and Christ. This knowledge imparts grace and liberty to every part of our being. These “manifestations of the flesh” also seem like ways to possess control in one’s life through a chaotic approach. None of these areas in Col. 3:5 indicate love of one’s self or another, but on the contrary lack of control. This is ironic to me because it seems like they are ways of attempting to get control like Adam sewing the fig leaf on his shame. These are manifestations of self-strength proving to self and God we can’t do anything apart from Him and His only Son. Paul says this in Romans 3:9-20.

1 Cor. 12:2 Paul says, “Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.”

I believe idols are not just physical statues, but idols can be in unregenerate areas of our mind, soul, and heart that attempt to siphon life from us.

Titus 1:7, “Since an overseer is entrusted with God’s work, he must be blameless-not overbearing (self-willed), not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain.”

2 Pet. 2:10, “This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority. Bold and arrogant (self-willed), these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings;”

The Greek word for self-willed means, “self-pleasing” (autos, “self,” hedomai, “to please”), denotes one who, dominated by self-interest, and inconsiderate of others, arrogantly asserts his own will, “self-willed”

The “old self” or “old man” desperately wants control and desires to assert itself. It has a problem though that it is unable to overcome. In Christ, the old man is dead. It no longer has control and can no longer be judged by a law.

The “new man” is not motivated according to fear, but according to the revelation of Christ imparted by the Spirit of Truth. This revelation affects the soul. Love, grace, faith, hope, and truth begins to grow and apprehend the soul in this continuous revelation. Fear is nullified and casted out. Fear cannot reside in love. I have knowledge of love through truth. Truth sets me free and changes me, my will, and everything else possible about me to the image of Christ again. The desire to impose self-will dissipates and the desire to give and love grows.

Lack of control seems in proportion to lack of the knowledge of the truth and of knowledge of how much God loves me by manifesting this love in His Son in me.

My security and assurance is not whether or not if I am in control of my life, but in the faith of Christ in me. In Christ,  I am under His authority, love and grace. His fullness and love fill my lack continually to overflowing.

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