When does condemnation or judgment come?

This blog builds a little on When does the law judge?

Guess I am seeing this blog from another angle or depth perhaps. Good stuff though. Thank you Lord. So, the question please.

When does the law or even self-imposed law judge someone?

Hebrews 10:3 says, “But in those [sacrifices there is] a remembrance again [made] of sins every year.”

So, why would I remember Again, and again, and again,..?


  • Why do I remember?
  • When I remember what happens?

So, why do I remember?

If my conscience is not purged by the sacrifice of His blood then I will remember my sins because my conscience is aware of the self-imposed law in my Gentile heart. Only the Spirit of the Living God can purge my conscience. Prior to the Fall, the word says in Gen. 2:25, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” Their consciences were pure and undefiled in the image of the Creator, Gen. 1:26. Christ is the Redeemer. He has bought us back since the Fall in the Garden. Part of redemption includes making us whole. That is the meaning of salvation which is wholeness triunely, 1 Thess. 5:23. The conscience is purged from dead works and the judgment and guilt of self-imposed law.

So, I could remember because of motive.

When I remember I bring the sacrifice asking, “Is this good enough?” The answer is “NO.” It is never good enough. If so, what was the purpose of the Son of God giving His life for the world and His Church? When I remember I am rebuilding what has already been destroyed. “That which was destroyed” was any reason God could have had to hold a grudge or record against me.

But His Love keeps no record of wrongs, has no fear or torment.

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