Compliment not completion

In the movie, “Jerry Maguire”, Jerry Maguire said, “You complete me.” I think this is inaccurate towards the purpose of marriage.

I beleive in marriage we should compliment each other because we are already complete. If part of the marriage basis is not complimentating each other then there is a possibility of a sense of debt being owed to one another. If I go into marriage thinking my wife completes me then if she doesn’t I may feel she owes me. This is not biblically accurate if love keeps no record of wrongs.

If we are fragmented before marriage then we maybe marrying each with a presumption that the other is completing the lack in the other. If you really look at this it is idolatry. In this scenario, our eyes, hopes and dreams hinge on the person. Sharing these things together is different. 1 Cor. 13:5 says love is not self-seeking. Only God can complete us in His Son. That is salvation. Salvation makes us whole, complete and without lack with, in and by His life.

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