The end of the commandment is…what?

1 Timothy 1:5, “Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and [of] a good conscience, and [of] faith unfeigned:”


Now, not tomorrow, not yesterday, but Now, the end (termination, the limit at which a thing ceases to be [always of the end of some act or state, but not of the end of a period of time]) of the commandment (Ten Commandments, Mosaic Law, Gentile self-imposed law) is the revelation of Christ in us, the law is fulfilled in us now, Rom. 8:4, He is the end of the law in us, Rom. 10:4. The end of the commandment is Christ. It is His love out of a pure (not contaminated with law, but according to knowledge after godliness) heart, irreprehensible and blameless, 1 Thess. 3:13, a good (functioning as designed) conscience, and a non-hypocritical, genuine, authentic faith.

My conscience is purged from dead works by Christ’s sacrificial blood, Heb. 10:2. In Christ, it (my conscience) is incapable of possessing knowledge of what the law or self-imposed law judges, Rom. 3:20, Rom. 5:13. This complete work of Christ purifies even my motive. My motive grows into His motive and will, Rom. 12:2. His willingness by grace in me makes me right standing with God the Father. I partake of and am His righteousness. In Christ, my heart is blameless and irreprehensible. It is incapable of blame, Rom. 8:1.

I receive His faith in me that makes me righteous, Phil. 3:9. I receive this faith by hearing and hearing the word of truth, Col. 1:4-5. Hope (ever-eager and joyful expectation) predicates on His faith in me. Now, by this (His) faith, I have understanding and am growing in the unveiled knowledge of a purged conscience and pure heart. In the growth, I emote His love in a natural and beautiful way because that is my heart’s desire. The desire is to manifest and give this Love away so others can receive it because love is not self-seeking.

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