Co-laborer with Him

Today, the Lord blessed me with my brother. Thank you Father for my brothers who are in Your Son.

After we hung out I ruminated on the word co-laborer (in Christ). I saw that I was co-laboring with Christ. The Lord gave a word of knowledge to me on a few things while hanging out with my brother. My inner man was quickened during and after.

His power working in us…

According to Philemon, when we hear His voice there is a co-mingling of His faith in us creating godly energy, His will. Glory!

I saw His will in me. Even His willingness. This creates co-laboring.

So, if I feed the homeless then what is that? If I give money to a church what is that? I think it goes back to by revelation, the good, perfect and acceptable will of God. Today, I believe it was all three. For me, at times, I think the others are good and acceptable, but are they perfect? What is perfect? I think today was the third.

Perhaps it goes back to sanctification. For example, I have a butter knife. I use it to turn a flat head screw; that is acceptable and probably good. I use it to cut and spread butter on my toast; that is perfect. The knife is being used willing (figuratively speaking) for the toast. The hand and knife are co-laboring. The willingness of the hand works with the knife to fulfill purpose. Purpose of the knife Creator.

That is what I saw today.

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