Church Today..

Today, my wife threw me a very nice and memorable Father’s Day. At church, during praise and worship, I don’t remember the exact song, but I was metaphorically raptured in His presence. There are always moments that I am ever so grateful for and sometimes take for granted, but today was very special. He, The Lord, walked into the church.

Imagine being a transient on the streets for some time and it just so happens you are invited to formal dinner. You have no formal wear, but show up with what you have. Then you sit down and enjoy the ambiance of the ceremony and fellowship of others while eating food you made by master chefs.

As your eating or talking to an acquaintance, then for some reason the atmosphere of the room changes. It is like the audience inhales all at once and everyone’s heart beat is heard in one accord. The silence is roaring even though it is quiet. You don’t even look up, but just know without a shadow of doubt that Royalty just entered them room. The Royalty though is not just royalty from the United Kingdom of the tales of King Arthur, but Royalty on the scale of all creation itself.

That is similar to what I experienced today in worship. I bowed my head and opened my palms to the King of all Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ. He Did walk into church today. I always cherish these moments to be in His presence.

When this happened at scripture came to mind and then rhema was diffused. The Spirit of God brought from heaven by grace and revelation this verse in a new spiritual depth, James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” The word says he dwells in His people’s hearts by faith and He lives in their sincere praise and worship. His will does not change. At a moment during the service, according to His will, the Lord drew near. That was the revelation. I saw relationship. This blew me away. He drew near because it is His will. We (as a group) drew near to Him. His grace in us enabled us to draw near.

Now, I ask myself why? Why did this blow me away? Well, I think that is the point and side-affect of His presence. He is the I AM that I AM. He is not of this world. It is alien to my flesh and finite brain. God is love. Christ is the only begotten Son of Love. This love is unearthly, non-carnal and unstoppable. That is the affect of relationship with God. To be in awe. To revere. To worship and draw near again and again.

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