Choreography of the Inner Man

Building on “Fresh supply given by the God fo all Choreography”,

After discovering this beautiful word recently, “epichoregeo”, it is still ruminating. The word is fulfilling its purpose; apprehension of its target. Paul said, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” The “word of Christ”. Acts speaks of, “the ministry of the word”. The word richly means something is valued due to its abundance or “fullness of goods”. His word compounds with other word already in me unto “fullness of goods” or richly, but compounded rhema (or quickened living word) is very different from non-rhema word. Rhema consumes, apprehends, transforms, creates, destroys (in this dimension) and the like. Another wonderful needed tangent.

This word, “epichoregeo”. I see this. HE speaks His word to his holy apostles and prophets, his saints and believers. And this is kind of what happens…glory.

Choreography is the art or practice of designing sequences of movements of physical bodies (or their depictions) in which motion, form, or both are specified. Choreography may also refer to the design itself. A choreographer is one who creates choreographies by practicing the art of choreography, a process known as choreographing. Choreography is used in a variety of fields, including cheerleading, cinematography, gymnastics, fashion shows, ice skating, marching band, show choir, theatre, synchronized swimming, video game production and animated art. In the performing arts, choreography applies to human movement and form. In dance, choreography is also known as dance choreography or dance composition.”1

This “choreographic revelatory godly energy” in the energy form of spirit and or word enters in the vessel and the inner man, Christ, emotes, lives and “IS” through each vessel in His Church with or without their knowing according to Hebrews 10:16. We, the Church, with the apostle & prophet, dance, move and live in accordance with the pattern of the Adam, Christ in and through us. We do so because we want to, not grudgingly, not forced, not under obligation, but truly in the freedom and liberty of the Spirit of the Living God. We “BE” in Him in this ‘dance’. As we “BE” in Him collectively others are drawn to dance as well. This “choreographic revelatory godly energy” is also unto righteousness, unto holiness. It puts His willingness within our hearts.

He is the Most High (Choreographer). His is more. Most High ends without a noun or pronoun purposely. Otherwise, the designation would limit His nature. Hence my parentheses 🙂

Father, thank you for making the word flesh. And making the flesh word in me. I love You Father. I will see you soon. Glory. Amen.

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