Change of plans

Yesterday, 08/06/10, my younger son and I were going to eat at Chick-fil-a. He said, “Dad, let’s go somewhere else.” I said, “Sounds good. Where?” He said, “How about Which Which?”

So, we end up going there. It was the lunch hour and crowded. I got our orders and he got his chocolate milk and went to get our table. I thought he’d go to the back, but instead went right in the middle of the restaurant. So, that is where we sat.

Then this lady walks up. Forgot her name, but I notice the back of her shirt has a scripture.

Jer. 29:11 (NIV), “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I told her thank you for wearing that shirt today. It really blesses me. She smiled and invited me and my sons to a kid’s musical she had been involved with that past week called “The Game Plan”. It was located in Georgetown at First Baptist Church.

We got there and the boys said the church looked like a castle. Very big place. We had fun. They liked it. I thought it was cool that my six year old spontaneously chose another place for lunch and it so happens we had an opportunity to see something really cool. The day before was my older son’s musical at the Austin Lyric Opera. He had been in a three week summer camp there. He did so awesome. I am a very proud father.

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