Bose Einstein Condensate

09-28-12 1:35p

Every atom looses its identity. They all think they are the same and in the same place.1

The above is only possible within a “Bose Einstein Condensate” or “Super Atom”.

A table or chair is created based on the arrangement of the atoms. So, if the atoms of a chair are all in the same place then how would it be chair? This goes against everything we see around us, but that is what the BEC is doing.

I am reminded of Paul’s letter to Ephesus, Eph. 4:3-6,13 and Col. 1:17. And when Jesus said, “Shelem (Aramaic)” or “It is finished” on the cross.

I went outside today for break. A rain drop hit my head. I remembered the word coalescence2 . In Christ we are “knit together”, Col. 2:2, in love. He, Christ, is the Head. And we have the mind of Christ unto the unanimity of the Spirit and Body of Christ. We reflect the glory of the one, same and true God. Reminds me of the BEC.

UPDATE: 03-24-15

Speaking of the Greek prefix sun-, “Sun- means not only are we together with one another, but we are so mixed in that nobody can tell the difference one from the other.”

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