Bonum Liber Paraphrasis

Proverbs 4:23 (KJV),
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Literal paraphrase from Hebrew root definitions:

Watch over and guard as so to preserve the ‘authority within’, the seat of thought and emotion, your heart, protecting it like a shepherd who constructs corrals of briers at night for his flock. For from within the heart is life.
He is peace. Peace is our Umpiring Sentinel over our hearts. It protects and watches over. Protecting us from even ourselves. “Who shall separate me from the body of this death?”
He is our Righteousness. He is Love.
Put on the breastplate of faith, love and righteousness which also covers our hearts in Christ. Two are fruit. One is our position and inherent nature in Him.
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