The beauty of nullification

1 Corinthians 13:10 Aramaic, “And when perfection comes then that little becomes nullified.”

When Christ reveals Himself, truth, righteousness, hope and love, the little that is left of the unregenerate me is nullified in that particular revelation. This process continually happens. I am filled and full in the Spirit by this. This typifies Gal. 2:20. In this process of nullification of the little and finite, Rom. 1:5 occurs. Obedience grows in me by grace and revelation of Him according to the word.

The little is not life. The little is finite. The little lacks. The little is fragmented.

He is Life. He is the resurrection from death to die no more in me. He is more than infinite. In His presence, ALL fullness dwells with no lack. All things will align to Him in truth. He is the author of salvation. His salvation makes me whole: SPIRIT, SOUL, BODY.


1. to render or declare legally void or inoperative: to nullify a contract.
2. to deprive (something) of value or effectiveness; make futile or of no consequence.

Someone or something dead is NULLIFIED. He who is dead is FREED or liberated from sin and its power, Rom. 6:7. In Christ I AM DEAD to the world and legal power of the Mosaic or self-imposed law in my heart, Col. 3:3.

This is why I do not crucify my flesh. Truly, it is impossible to do so unless I fall from grace into legalism. Christ accomplished and shelemed the crucification of the flesh for us at His cross. My cross is me dead on it. I partake in His death by baptism into Him, Rom. 6:4. I died with Him at the cross. I resurrected with Him when He resurrected. Now, in Him, I am growing from His glory to His glory forever.

I am nullified in Christ and He lives now through me by His faith.

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