Be ye Transformed by Keeping Law?

Romans 12:2,

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Excerpt from PreceptAustin.Org1,

BY THE RENEWING OF YOUR MIND:  te anakainosei tou noos:

Renewing (342) (anakainosis from anakainóo [in depth discussion] = renew qualitatively in turn from aná = again + kainóo = make new in turn from kainos = qualitatively new which is derived from a root meaning to turn out fresh and denotes that which is new in its own way) refers to a qualitative renewal or renovation (renovate = from Latin renovatus = past participle of renovare, from re- + novare = to make new, from novus = new) which makes a person different than in the past – new heart, new Lord, new home, new purpose and goal, etc.

I am ceased to be amazed by the depth of His word. I read this today and AGAIN it deepened, widened and opened up more. I see that we are not changed by keeping dogma, following a ’12-step Program’, obeying a curriculum and the like. All the aforementioned ways are variations of law-keeping. Are they not? Mixing the word with a 12-step Program is not Spirit-inspired. It is man’s attempt due to lack of revelation to fix His Church. I am of the strong opinion now that 12-step Program’s will actually enable the old man to manifest. Members will swear it works though, but should the credit be given to the word? Paul clearly says, “If another man or woman preaches another gospel let them be accursed.” I would not want to be that person.

In contrast, Romans 12:2 clearly says the opposite and that life transformation is by revelation. This is what Paul said in Galatians 1:16 about the Father revealing His Son, Christ, in Paul. Sounds like as a matter of fact to a degree I suppose, but the key is believers are ONLY transformed by the renewing of their mind.


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