Basis of Reckoning

It seems we base our level of morals as humans on a the repository of knowledge that is co-observed with our conscience. Hence, self-righteousness is manifested & condemnation. I see so-in-so and think why are they doing that? I judge them. Or vice versa. This is the Church today. I am sick of it too.

So, what fills this repository of knowledge? What is the basis of reckoning?

It is the awareness and expectation of something else.

If I am aware of something then knowledge is created. If I am unaware of something then what can be deposited into the repository of our being?

Inherently, the conscience is aware, but of what? What is it a chief witness of? What does is possess co-knowledge of?

If the law is removed then their is knowledge of it being removed. There is knowledge of how it was removed. Revelation. Now, Romans 8:1-3, the knowledge has been redeemed, renovated and renewed to the original pattern before all of creation in Him. In Him there was No Sin. He knew No Sin. Paul said, “To reveal His Son in me..”

I do not see this in the Church. I do not hear this in the Church. Where is it? Why?

The renewed1 knowledge is the knowledge by grace, faith and revelation that He removed it and Is Righteousness in the believer perpetually. And it is MORE. The renewal process of knowledge is that of a quality. Quality is very small human English word to render the quickened word from the throne of grace, but the very nature of being, thoughts and actions is renewed to a literal new creation. One begotten again from above; its true origin.

If that is the case then would we not be blameless? Even irreprehensible2 or incapable of blame?

Scripture References:

  • Rom. 3:20; 1 Cor. 15:34; 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 1:16; Col. 3:10

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