Arbitrator – thoughts

This blog builds on two previous blogs:

Here is the content of the blog Need for approval.

The need for approval has the potential to create vain imaginations. If I fail to meet approval then an idea must be created to counter the failure to approve. Vain imaginations can potentially entangle us, but the just shall live by His faith in them. Vain imaginations are not real and substantial. They cannot save. I cannot save myself. Otherwise, Christ’s death was in vain.

So, why is there a need for approval? How about MOTIVE. What motivates me to have the desire for approval? Hmmm, what arbitrates1 motive in me and everyone in mankind? The wonderful conscience. Needless to say, God knew what He was doing when He created man and his conscience in His image.

Now, let’s turn the table. In Christ, our conscience does not value the difference between right and wrong. It has been purged from dead works. Dead works manifested because of motive. The conscience is the arbitrator of motive. An non-purged or defiled conscience IS aware of the difference between good and evil and motivates dead works. Dead works do not justify us before God the Father. Only His Son, our High Priest in the order of Melchizedek, can justify, sanctify and make righteous. He Himself takes away our sins once for all. He said, “Shelem” or “It is complete and fulfilled in every way” on the cross. Shelem crossed time, space and all of creation.

Since our conscience is no longer aware of the judgment and penalty of the law our motive is purified. Wow, that is amazing and life changing. Please read that at least three times. When we are baptized, immersed or literally drowned into Christ at salvation. We are drowned until we die. Then we resurrect in newness of His life and faith in us by grace and revelation. The motive of the dead person who drowned in the water is dead as well. The motive of the old man is dead in Christ. This is what Paul says in Philippians 3:9, “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:” And in Col. 3:3, “For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Who is dead? The old man and its nature to constantly try ‘to be’ based on self-imposed law. Its motive was based on the starving need for approval. The approval is no longer required. We are predestined to the the adoption of children in Christ according to the good pleasure and will of the Father. My sons do not require my approval for me to love them. Love is not self-seeking and keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not change its mind. Perfect love casts out fear and torment.

Motive is purified. Now, my thoughts are renewed according to hearing the word. Titus 3:5, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing (bathing by the word of truth, Eph. 5:26) of regeneration (ever-constant renewal in present pluperfect tense by revelatory word or logos), and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”

Col. 3:10, “And have put on the new [man], which is renewed (ever-constant renewal in present pluperfect tense by revelatory word or logos) in knowledge (revelatory word) after the image (Christ the original pattern) of him that created him:”

So, how does Phil. 4:8-9 occur? Motive. Motive. Motive. The power of positive thinking does not save you. Grace enabled motive and a purified conscience do. John 1:16, “And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace.”

The power of positive thinking is witchcraft. Yep, it is. Is Christ pre-eminent in positive thinking? At the root, “No.” It is rebellion against grace. Rebellion is as witchcraft according to the prophet Samuel.

So, what does the conscience perceive in positive thinking? “You better be positive. Be a good person. You must think positive. Why aren’t you thinking positive?” Doesn’t sound like pure motive to me. Only the holy blood of Christ can purify the conscience from the guilt, judgment and penalty of the law. In turn, motive is purified, thoughts are renewed by revelation. Once again, “The just shall live by His faith in them.” His faith comes by hearing and hearing the word, revelation. Faith deposits, diffuses into wisdom, knowledge and understanding and becomes you. We inherit His righteous nature. This nature comes by hearing the word. The triune person: spirit, soul, body; is sanctified by revelation of Christ in them. Sanctification unto righteousness, unto holiness, unto eternal life now in this life and the life to come.

Our thoughts seem to come from what we hear mixed with motive. Faith comes by hearing. If not faith then I am hearing the prince of power of the the air, the enemy. It is either one or the other. The old nature is fallen and influenced by the deception of the enemy.

In summary, the purged conscience motivates with godly purity. The renewed mind in Christ navigates us as sons of God walking in the Spirit, Titus 1:1. This all occurs naturally and effortlessly in His rest.

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