
Last weekend, I finally did a long awaited amends. It was one of the hardest things for me to do. Even in the process of doing it I pulled my back. Guess I was stressing. I discovered several things and am seeing them clearer. My wife has told me quite a bit, “Honey, you have a lot of head knowledge (scriptures), but no so much heart knowledge.”

I believe when I put into practice the principles and good works that the Father created in me in Christ Jesus to do the heart knowledge comes naturally and not forced. The word says, “Love is always faithing.”

Galatians 5:6

“The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love1.”

I think “faithing love” is a combination of walking out in His faith, with the motive of His word and Spirit. So, a God-inspired action verb, 2 Cor. 5:14.

So, back to “amends”. I have realized so far seven things:

  • Fear is dis-empowered.
    • My expectation is made null upon the previously unforgiven. Therefore, I cannot be let down. There is no fear of being let down. The lie of my expectation to make the person I resented is exposed by light. Darkness cannot comprehend light2.
  • Heart knowledge supernaturally created.
    • Described above.
  • Victimization
    • The justification for victimization is also made null.
    • The victim in victimization can no longer blame nor should have the desire.
  • Motive is supernaturally changed by the power of God.
    • Through faith and the experience of it (faith), along with revelation of the word and Christ’s love my motive is altered into godliness.
  • Redemption
    • The actualization of Christ is buying back my life and heart is living itself out. The land of hearts is also being bought back.
  • Restoration
    • There the potential of my soul, relationship and life being restored.
  • Ownership.
    • I learn accountability. The process of amends and working it out shows me “MY PART”. This part can ONLY be accomplished by me. This ownership creates character and maturity.


I have a long journey ahead on the amends road, but now look more forward to it. I know all will not go the way I hope or expect them to, but that is also part of the process. It is about me having ears to hear Him one amends at a time.

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