Two Adams

In the Garden of Eden, man’s spirit was alive with God’s life by His Spirit. The Holy Spirit κοινωνία, koinōnia, or has a spiritual bond beyond full description with my spirit and enlivens it. Prior to salvation, sin came. In the Garden of Eden, prior to the law, the knowledge of good and evil came and the  knowledge infiltrated through the soul and defiled the conscience and the spirit died. It was separated from Life. Prior to the Fall, the conscience was pure. All things were pure to person of the pure conscience. The conscience was not aware of the judgment based on the law within Adam’s heart through the command of God to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good (functioning, giving life) and evil (dysfunctional, separated from life). When Adam ate from the tree the expectation from the command given from God within Adam’s heart judged Adam. His conscience witnessed its judgment. The failure to meet the expectation manifested fear, but perfect love casts out fear. And perfect love does not and has not kept any record of wrongs ever. The manifestation of fear which was based on the expectation of the commandment motivated Adam to live his life on earth based on his understanding and self-strength. Adam sewed fig leaves to cover his newly discovered shame. He was attempting to self-manage his guilt by coping. Now, fear and the residual knowledge he had of love was mixed. He was living his life in the flesh and was unable to please God. He fell from grace. We can only please God through His faith in us. Now, Adam’s spirit was dead and soul was digressing from the knowledge of life and love. His flesh lost its immortality because his conscience was constantly aware of this judgment. Fear was in his soul and surged in his body’s tissue, chemicals, hormones and blood slowly leaking the life of God in him. The conscience was the separator from life through its awareness of the judgment of the law. The separation by the awareness brought death even prior to the law being given by Moses based on self-imposed law in his heart. Another Adam-like person needed to come to earth to be able to quicken the spirit, but how? By purging the conscience from the knowledge of the law’s judgment once and for all by an eternal sacrifice. According to the revelation, sacrifice, power, hope, grace, truth and faith of Christ, the Last Adam, my spirit is supernaturally quickened and made whole at salvation. My soul is being renewed daily by revelation. My body is quickened through the renewal of my soul. Fear of the judgment of any self-imposed law is abolished, obsolesced, obliterated and given to oblivion in my spirit. This knowledge is even apprehending my soul through the gate of my new purged conscience. My soul grows in the grace and knowledge of Christ, 2 Peter 3:18.

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