Undeniable acknowledgment

Discovered an interesting word today that I thought I understood, but am seeing in a new light again.

The word is homologeo. Here are some scripture examples and its usage.

  • Romans 10:9-10 “confess”
  • Hebrews 13:15 “giving thanks”
  • 1 John 1:9 “confess”
  • 1 John 2:23 “acknowledge”
  • 1 John 4:2 “confess”
  • 1 John 4:15 “confess”

The word homologeo means:
Lit., “to speak the same thing” (homos, “same,” lego, “to speak”), “to assent, accord, agree with.”

1 John 2:23b says, “he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.”

I interpret this as truth itself by its nature pushing and compelling the words of acknowledgment, thanksgiving and confession. If what is revealed is real and true then truth will have its way. All things align with the will and nature of truth. Jesus is the Truth. Death is a lie. It is not truth. Otherwise, the Truth, or Jesus, should have stayed dead and not resurrected.

The revelation of Him or truth pushes and compels His will in me. Truth stands alone.

Truth is transcendent. It is not limited by time or any dimension of existence. If it were limited it wouldn’t be truth. Truth sets free because the nature of truth sets free and gives liberty. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. Truth sets apart or sanctifies something to align with it and its nature.

Knowledge of the truth creates hope in me. The Word is the word of truth. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of truth. When faith is (incorrect grammar, but correct usage and idea), hope is. When faith is, I have eager expectation because of the reality of the truth. I cannot have hope without His faith.

The knowledge and experience of Christ and His truth diffuses, pours itself out, propagates, and spreads out in every part of my triune being: spirit, soul and body. It is sanctifying me and making me more saved or whole everyday in Him.

There is another Greek word called symphōneō. It means,

  1. to agree together
  2. to agree with one in making a bargain, to make an agreement, to bargain

Lit., “to sound together” (sun, “together,” phone, “a sound”), i.e., “to be in accord, primarily of musical instruments,” is used in the NT of the “agreement”

Only truth can agree with itself.

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