Chief witness

The following blog has changed my walk with the Lord and it has never been and will never be the same. It has taken me into Him where my life and identity is hid.

Romans 2:15, “For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and [their] thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)

The word conscience means:

Literally, a “knowing with”, a co-knowledge with oneself or a being of one’s own witness in the sense that one’s own conscience “takes the stand” as the chief witness, testifying either to one’s innocence or guilt.

As a Gentile, or non-Jew, prior to salvation, my conscience was the chief witness of my works (or what I did good/bad), thoughts, and life.

Prior to salvation, my conscience would communicate to me, “Good job!”, or “Way to go!”, or “You are pathetic”, or “You failed.”

These standards of what I did were based on a law written on my heart of what I thought was right and wrong. According to the letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul said, “Every non-Jew has a law written on their hearts.”

This law in my heart along with my conscience either brought self-justification, self-righteousness, condemnation, and or self-pity.

According to the law written on my heart and the witness of my conscience, I was separated from the Life of Christ, His forgiveness, His redemption and all the eternal inheritance He died for me to have in Him. My conscience was constantly witnessing my short comings, my falls, my sin, and my success. All I did, right or wrong, was based on my self-strength, personal morals and religious opinions, but not absolute, unchanging truth.

My separation from Christ was due to the state of my conscience. It was not purged, sanctified or made whole.

When the light of the knowledge of truth of Christ’s forgiveness entered my heart, I received His gift of forgiveness freely by grace.

This revelation tells my conscience I am no longer judged by any law anymore ever again. I am justified and made righteous by His grace and faith in me.

This is why the cross and calvary are crucial and monumental. It is more than that. My sinful flesh that was condemned by sin was nailed to the cross to die with Jesus whose body was like sinful flesh. The unblemished Lamb of God. Dying on the cross abolished the judgment of the law written in my heart witnessed by my conscience that I was under. Prior to death in Him, I was under the judgment of the law. Jesus Christ then resurrected from the dead because death never had dominion or authority over Him. I resurrected from the dead with Him into newness of Life in Him. When I received His forgiveness, truth, and power I repented for my sins because I was no longer who I used to be. I became born…again unto a new creature.

Now, in Christ, according to Hebrews, my conscience is sanctified and made whole.

My conscience is no longer conscious or aware of the judgment of the law.

I was crucified with Christ.

The life I now life is by His faith in me, Gal. 2:20.

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