Abiding word

John 5:38, “”But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe.”

His word and spirit abides and dwells by grace not by me. He reveals Himself in me not according to my strife. His word abides in us by grace and faith.

Eph. 3:17, “That Christ may dwell (or intrinsically dwell, live, reside, be a part of, or just BE) IN your hearts (deepest part of your being) by (His) faith..”

The word dwells in us richly and does not leave if it becomes a part of us. Then how can I leave myself? I believe that is what Paul is saying in Ephesians 3:17. The flesh becoming logos or word. Word is spirit. The Holy Spirit enters and changes us through the revelatory word. It refutes, convinces, enlightens, liberates, metamorphosises, delivers, saves, and the list goes on.

My life cannot change if I don’t believe the Messenger. I cannot please God without faith. I cannot live without faith. The just shall live by faith. I cannot grow without faith and grace. The Seed must fall on ground and take root in believing in one’s heart in order to sprout and bear fruit.

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