My son praying for understanding

This has been in my drafts for almost two years. Wow.

“12/06/08, Aaron praying for understanding for Lego’s I think? He is only 6 years old.”

Too cool. Over the years, I have taught my sons to pray and believe that there is a God and He does have a Son and His name is Jesus. That the Bible is a good book. That God’s love is more powerful than anything else on this planet. I have taught them to pray for help in school studies, when they lose a toy, healing, for rain, and the list goes on. I recall seeing my son praying for understanding to help him figure out his Lego’s. I enjoy helping them when we build their toy projects, but am so proud when they figure it out on their own. I was humbled and so proud of him. Now, I catch him still. Both of them. My hearts desire is for them have a growing relationship with Christ and to know He loves them.

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