No wonder I keep remembering

Hebrews 10:2-4 (Aramaic NT) says, “– because now not being troubled in conscience with their sins who one time purified them: — but in them, by their sacrifices, they remembered their sins every year. For the blood of bulls and goats is not able to purify sins.”

Here is my paraphrase of the red, bold, underlined text.

If I have to earn my approval, God’s approval, or any other person’s approval by my self-performance (or works), then I am reminding myself of the guilt and or penalty of my sin.

The three previous blogs touched on the purged conscience or chief witness, which address the guilt of sin.

Under the works of the law, I will remember my guilt of things I have done or even the thoughts or imaginations themselves. My work of self-strength is a reminder I can’t forgive or make myself whole. The Greek word for salvation means to make the spirit, soul, and body whole without anything lacking.

My self-performance and self-achievement will actually excite, stimulate, provoke, and enliven the old sinful nature inviting an increase of guilt, shame, corruption and death.

Romans 5:20 (ESV) says, “Now the law came in to increase the trespass…”

Romans 11:6 says, “And if by grace, then [is it] no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if [it be] of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.”

Both grace and law cannot be mixed, Luke 5:36-39 (NIV).

Christ is the Testator of the New Covenant under grace, Heb. 9:16-17, John 1:17.

The following are some blogs that talk about how the law brings the old nature to life and the effects of it upon the church.

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