Chief witness part 2

Please read the previous blog, Chief witness, prior to this one. This blog builds on it.

2 Timothy 1:3 (KJV), ” I thank God, whom I serve from [my] forefathers with pure conscience,…”

At one point when I read the above scripture I would paraphrase it to the following which is totally inaccurate,

“I thank God, whom I serve in my strength with a pure conscience. I maintain and develop this pure conscience by reading enough of the bible, fasting, going to church every Sunday, giving money to the church and charities, and just acting or being overall good.”

In other words, my conscience is pure because of my so-called good works which are really dead works. After reading what I just wrote, it sounds a bit full of self. Some would disagree with me and even be offended.

If the purity of my conscience is based on anything I think is right or wrong in my heart then I am operating in dead works. I am making myself the one that justifies instead of believing in the One that Justifies.

Hebrews 6:1 speaks of “Repentance from DEAD WORKS.”

Hebrews 9:4 says, “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”

Why is it such a big deal and what does it mean to purge your conscience from dead works? Read the previous blog.

The conscience in every person is the chief witness at the seen of ALL of their thoughts. If the thoughts are to cause harm, be malicious, help, be courteous, good, or bad the conscience is always there witnessing these thoughts. The conscience has co-knowledge with the unseen law written on one’s heart.

Jesus removes the judgment and penalty of all the law. Here is the part 2 part of this blog.

What does the conscience see then if the judgment, guilt and penalty of the law is removed?

In Christ alone, It is purified and made whole.

The conscience is no longer conscious of what the law judges because of the finished work of Christ at the cross. Romans 3:20, 5:13.

By revelation, unto faith, the conscience sees the goodness and mercy of God through the forgiveness of Christ ALL the time which is based on Love by grace.

This Love fulfills all the Law! In this Love, from a pure conscience, fruit is born. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance all are not against the law to be or to manifest. The fruit naturally bears itself being part of the Vine of Truth.

So, I gotta manifest fruit of the Spirit. Wrong. I desire to manifest fruit or ‘be’ because there is no law telling me to be that way. Essentially, I AM. Just like God. I am. Paul says, “By the grace of God I am what I am.” God does not try to be who He is. He is. And “He is” in me. He is.

This also leads to rest from dead works in Him.

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