Power unto salvation

In Rom. 1:16, our inspiring brother Paul says by the power of Christ in him,

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel (good news) of Christ: for it is the power (infinitely-powered dynamo of energy) of God unto salvation (complete wholeness, completion, fulfillment, nevering lacking) to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”


I wrote all-caps purposely to shout this as clearly as I can. Growth or maturity in Christ without power is impossible. Going to church, reading your bible, tithing, wearing a WWJD hat, bumper stickers, pot lucks are nice, but where is the power?

Perhaps power is raising the dead, miracles, healings, prophecies, revelation that is always new and fresh, bearing fruit, deliverance, being a Christian when no one is watching because you want to, boldness, never intimidated, taking the low road because you want to, and changing lives forever unto wholeness and fullness redeeming the earth. It is motive of the heart. Through the apprehension, absorption, and metabolizing revelation of Him, His motive becomes my motive. Then I do because He wants to in me. I do because His faith and grace in me wants to. Galatians 2:20, 1:16. At the same time, this knowledge becomes subjective, 1 Cor. 7:12 is one example. This subjectivity is not arbitrary or whimsical, but spontaneous, authentic, holy and real. This subjectivity is in absolute alignment with the truth of God’s Word. The knowledge of Him becomes you, Col. 3:3, “Our life is hid in Christ.” It becomes His energy working in you, Col. 1:29. Simultaneously, it is you in Him.

If I am walking in the Spirit without revelation of Him then am I walking in the Spirit? What walk am I walking if faith only pleases the Father (Heb. 11:6) and the faith that I do have is the faith of Christ (Gal. 2:20)? From my personal experience, I was walking in my self and by my self unconscious of God’s approval because it was never enough.

Jesus said in John 19:30, “It is finished” or “Shelem/Shalom” in the Aramaic.


Ephesians 1:10 and others give a glimpse of His completed work. This is one of many reasons the elders, angels and four creatures worship Him because of all He has done on the basis of Love alone. He is Love and He is. And because He is they worshiped Him. In Him being Who He is there is ALL FULLNESS. This fullness is the goal of our salvation unto the full stature of Him. He is worthy to be praised!

So, if there is no power then really there is no growth. In Him alone, we INFINITELY grow from faith to faith, glory to glory because from His fullness with have each received grace for grace exponentially, John 1:16.

How do we grow in Him? By daily passive revelation through His faith and grace. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word. Paul told the Corinthians they had many instructors, but not many fathers. Spiritual fathers are needed in the church. Paul was a spiritual father. Paul was also an apostle.

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