To eat or not to eat the apple?

Rom. 5:13, “For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.”

Well, that’s nice. What does it mean? I read this almost 15 years ago and it jumped off the pages in me. I read it again and again. It recently came to life with so much depth again. By the way, if the bible was a pool how deep would it be? Do we really know the end of the universe? Really? Come ‘on.

Here is where I may sound heretical, but I am in good company. This has changed my life (unto godliness) and I believe can change the world through the His Body, the Church. In Christ, my sins are no longer imputed, charged, or reckoned to my account. Christ nailed the punishment of every sin I committed knowingly or ignorantly to His cross. He did this before I was in mother’s womb. In the Father’s plan and according to His purpose, He did it prior to Adam being created.

Rev. 13:8, “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” John also says, “In the beginning was the Word.” Jesus says, “He is the beginning and the end.” Here is the point, my forgiveness is absolute in every sense of the word and more. Let’s go back to the garden of Eden. God said, “Not to eat the fruit of tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Both Adam or ‘Iysh and ‘Ishshah (later Eve) were not cognizant of the contrast of good and evil. Sin did not exist, but sin still reigned. Who is ‘Ishshah? This was the first name of the woman prior to the Fall. Post-Fall, her name was “Eve” or “mother of all living.” ‘Iysh is man.

Again, they both were not cognizant, conscious, or informed what sin was because the Law had not been given yet through Moses (not yet born) to show what sin actually was. There was this other knowledge though that did exist. It existed at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Remember, they did not know the difference between good or evil. Who happened to be at this tree? The enemy. The word for serpent in the Hebrew can be a noun, adjective, or adverb. It can be defined as serpent, crafty or shiny one (like shiny brass.) Huh? Shiny brass? That’s what I thought. The word is either nachash or nahash. Also, in the Hebrew mind words are more functional in description than pictorial. Read the link from this site about ancient Hebrew, AHLB. So, the being who may have looked like a snake (or acted like one), or who was shiny like brass (look up what Lucifer means), or both, approached ‘Ishshah and deceived her. Something about him must have gotten her attention. Possibly, the way he looked? I couldn’t see ‘Ishshah being attracted to a snake or muscular snake. I could see her being attracted to an Adam-like man though. That is only my opinion. Need to make an obvious point here. The enemy did not like man who was God’s creation of love. He does not like me or you either.

So, she eats the fruit. Now, Adam eats the fruit, but why? ‘Ishshah was deceived, but Adam willfully ate the fruit! Why? Through deception which is the nature of sin. At the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the knowledge of the distinction between good and evil was imparted from the enemy to man. Immediately, there eyes were opened and they realized they were naked. God then says, “They have now become like one of us.” Prior to eating the fruit, God could not say this. He does not lie or change His mind. Due to this knowledge, man is separated from God and was without redemption. Man needed to be bought back by a Redeemer. Only One Person could do it.

Heb. 10:7, “Then I said, ‘Here I am–it is written about me in the scroll – I have come to do your will, O God.’ ” The Father sent His only begotten. His only Son. In Christ, Col. 3:10 now happens, “And have put on the new [man], which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:” Renewed by the revelation of Christ by grace in the knowledge of Him that created him, the Last Adam. Also, Adam walked with God in the garden. Christ says He is the First and the Last. If we are renewed in the knowledge of Him according to the original pattern which is what my Dake’s bible tells me in the footnotes then we are like ‘Iysh and ‘Ishshah prior to the Fall, but with His redeeming power now living and growing in us daily.

Heb. 5:14 occurs now, “But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, [even] those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” What is strong meat? My guess is that it isn’t old tough meat, but it is revelation of Him. Hebrews says our conscience has been purged through the Christ’s eternal sacrifice. IN Christ, our conscience is like ‘Iysh and ‘Ishshah prior to the Fall. They did not know what sin was and neither do we. IN Christ, I am a new creation and His grace teaches me to say no to ungodliness. No, I am not perfect in this (ask my wife), but I am growing in Him and see it in my life everyday and week.

Titus 2:11-12, “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;”

Last thing. I remember I was riding my bike one day and was troubled in my heart. I was having a pity party, feeling sorry for myself, groveling, and not liking myself. Then the Lord told me, “My Forgiveness is bigger than your unforgiveness towards yourself.” It rang in my spiritual ear for a while. The enemy can accuse, people can accuse, but ultimately I am the self-accuser and shouldn’t be. Who is he that condemns? Rom. 8:34

1 Cor. 4:3, “But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself.”

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