
Today, 05/07/09, Lupe, our new dog jumped on my leg to welcome me home and probably to get some food or a hug. This dog has tons of personality. Technically, she is my wife’s dog. When she jumped on my leg I looked in her eyes and saw her little dog heart and soul. She is still a puppy inside and I could see that. I could also see her sincerity and tenderness of her heart. I can’t believe I am writing or talking about a dog, but I’ll go with it. Later, the thought came to mind,  perhaps Einstein said that we only use 8-10% of our brains. I thought some animals brains are like 8-10% the size of a human brain which lead me to the next thought. Did Adam communicate with the animals in a different way Prior to the Fall than we do now? Prior to the tower of Babel being built everyone on the planet spoke the same language and were in one accord to be like the Most High until new languages were created by God and they were dispersed abroad. What would it be like now if everyone on the planet spoke the same language? My point is this. First, God walked with man in the garden. Then the Fall occurred. During all of this all people spoke the same language. So, another question I have is if Adam was filled with all the fullness of God prior to the Fall because sin had not entered the world then did he even need to speak? Were the animals even on the same “wave length” as man due to fullness? If everything is not under the curse then what would it look like? Everything would be in perfect unity and harmony and more! I’ve read testimonies of people in near death experiences and they mention that communication is without words, but spiritual or they call it telepathic. God is more than telepathy. I believe the gifts of the Spirit which are for the Church are examples of some of that spiritual and supernatural communication. Paul says in his epistles that he is with a church ‘in spirit’ as if he was there and is able to see their progress. The dream of the man from Macedonia speaking to Paul to come there is another example. I have had situations time and time again of communication from God either by His word or an experience in everyday life, but did not hear audible words. I heard something though that ran though my being. We are in constant prayer Paul says. Constant communication. In the Spirit, we all speak the same language again in truth and revelation.

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